I like being able to get a fresh start in January. 2010 had some definite bright spots - I mean, we welcomed my son into the world, it doesn't get much brighter than that! I have to say I'm kind of glad to see 2010 go. Hoping for a better, not as chaotic, more peaceful year with better rhythm to the days as a stay at home/work at home mom. Adding a new family member was amazing, beautiful and definitely a much wanted experience, but everything around here went a little haywire. I feel like I have my bearings now and enough energy to try and balance all the different aspects of my life.
Lucy and I enjoyed putting Christmas decorations away last week, cleaning the house and setting up her winter nature table. The house feels calmer now and less cluttered.
It was really nice to put away the holiday things and to just focus on the season and what's going on outside.
I like the slowness of January. It can be a little dreary, but after the rush of Christmas it's a nice break. I have always had the tendency to lean towards depression this time of year, but celebrating the chill and stillness of winter with Lucy (and eventually Lincoln) instead of dreading it has made a huge impact on my outlook.
I am looking forward to the daily rhythm to come back soon as well. We are not quite there yet since for us Christmas lasts until the 6th of january. But I am very much ready to get rid of all the Christmas stuff right now!! I love your nature table, I haven't started one for my boys yet but I think my oldest might be ready for it soon (he turned three in october).
Posted by: Victoria | January 04, 2011 at 11:40 PM
We are definitely on the same page this year when it comes to rhythm and routine. I still have some de-cluttering to do so hopefully over the next few months I will work on that goal. I tend to get a bit down this time of year too but the weather has become mild and it feels a bit like Spring here so it has done wonders for my mood:) Love the treasures on your nature table. Did you make the snowbaby?
Posted by: Rochelle | January 05, 2011 at 05:30 PM
I love that little snowbaby. :) I bought it at http://rosemary4remembrance.etsy.com a couple of years ago. Lucy has a little acorn baby too.
Posted by: Amanda | January 07, 2011 at 10:45 AM