Lucy and I were having one of those days last week where she was bored and had no attention span for her usual favorite activities. I was washing some things found at an estate sale and she wanted to help, so I filled the sink with soapy water and gave her a dishcloth.
I couldn't believe how busy this kept her. She was washing, rinsing and drying things for about an hour!
I think it's funny how kids enjoy the simplest of activities. Things that adults think of as a chore.
Just another reminder that kids don't need a lot to make them happy!
I want to try and remember to enjoy simple "chores" more, to find peace in the repetetiveness. Kids are inspiring in their enthusiasm for little things like this.
My three year old LOVES to wash the dishes, really, he can stand there for more than an hour. And when everything else fails, I put him in the bath tub with some cups, he could literally be in the water all day long. I think kids just generally love water!
Posted by: Victoria | January 12, 2011 at 01:40 AM
Oohhh....good idea! Next time my three year old is bored, (which is every other minute) I am going to do this. When it's pretty out, I fill up a large pot or bucket with soapy water and let her wash her dolls. She loves that. We moms need to share ideas, so we can stay on our toes. :)
Posted by: Sena Garrett | January 14, 2011 at 09:18 PM