Here are a few more digital scrapbook pages I've been working on...
I think the last one is my favorite so far.
My plan (and trust me, I have many of those) is to make a bound book full of these for each year.
Off to work on Lucy's birthday quilt! It's cut out, but did I mention that her birthday is on Saturday? I am a woman of high ambition and little time. ;)
We went to Salem over the weekend for the annual family reunion. Lucy had so much fun running around at my Grandpa's farm and meeting lots of new people! I love the farm so much, it's one of my favorite places. It's in the country with lots of acreage and he lives in a 100+ year old farmhouse. He has a big flock of chickens that Lucy loved to look at! We brought 3 hens home to live with us, but more on the ladies later.
Lucy and her dad having a serious conversation in front of the chicken run
The wildflowers were gorgeous! I pay for Queen Anne's Lace on the floral truck at work, I couldn't believe how many of them were growing all over the place! My grandpa says they're weeds. Aren't they pretty though?
Luce had fun smelling them. I love how her hair is the exact same color as the grass.
I wish I could explain how it feels for me to be there. It's a place where the sunlight and the smells of dust and plants instantly take me back to childhood. I'm happy to be able to share that with my daughter.
Yesterday Dustin and I had the day off together, so we pulled Lucy out of her nursery school for the day and went up to the lake! I can't even tell you how rare it is that all 3 of us are free on the same day. That sounds funny, Lucy being 2, but she goes to nursery school in the mornings Monday through Friday. And Dustin and I are just so dang busy all of the time! We had so much fun! My only goal for the day was to bring Lucy home dirty, tired, and sticky from ice cream (we went to Dairy Queen afterwards). Just the way it should be for kids once in a while in the summer. Accomplished!
Quite the popular activity of the day was throwing rocks into the lake! Luce has quite the throwing arm, as you can see!
Lucy's Daddy tried to teach her how to skip rocks. He's pretty good!
Good skipping rocks.
Lucy needed one!
Rock skipping ripples
And I just have to show off this picture that Dustin took! I so love that girl.
Sometimes you just have to take the day off and skip rocks, y'know? I see lots more rock skipping in our future.
I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful, peaceful Christmas! I love how the holidays get more fun as Lucy gets older, I can't wait until next year when she understands the concept a little more. When she saw the presents she was saying "Happy" as in Happy Birthday, so she's starting to get it a little more. We opened all of our presents last night, same as my family used to do when I was a kid. I always liked opening presents on Christmas Eve because I didn't have to wait until the next day! As a parent I can see it being easier too, kids sleep better and don't get up at the crack of dawn. :) I don't really want to make Luce think that Santa is real either, so that works out. If she wants to believe that I'm all for it, I just want to try to be as honest with her as possible. Last night was so nice and quiet with just the 3 of us, it was really fun! Luce had fun playing with her gifts.
She got a tutu (notice me saying Ooooooooh to her)...
Tie dyed socks - Wow!! I've never seen a kid so excited about getting socks...
A felt crown and a box of beeswax crayons...
And a new Waldorf dolly! She loves that doll so much, and so do I. When she was unwrapping it she saw its' feet sticking out and said "Oh a baby!".
She's been having lots of fun with her new toys!
We wish you a merry Christmas! :D
WIP = Work in Progress. In other words, my life. And yours as well, I'm sure.
Afghan squares for a "friendship afghan" swap - I have to have 6 done by the end of the month (!)
Book pages in progress for an artist "Birds of a Feather" book collaberative. The bird heads crack me up - they're so sweet and...decapitated. But cute! I got them here, I absolutely love her photostream.
Sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately, I've just been living life. You know, regular old life that doesn't necessarily generate a creative blog post. The things that aren't inspiring. Trying to sell a car, picking up prescriptions, going to the library, the daily chasing of Miss Luce, things like that.
I have, however, been spending a lot of time outside. It has been so beautiful. Sunny and around 85 degrees for probably 2 or 3 weeks now! There has been lots of time spent taking walks, going to the park, walking around downtown in Bend, drinking iced coffees, wearing flip flops - good old summer stuff.
Dustin and I have been talking about wanting to have another baby, which is exciting. I feel recovered from my first pregnancy and back to my old self, I didn't about 6 months ago. I think it really does take 9 months to shake off pregnancy. It does a lot to your body! I still have weird little quirky things about my body that I didn't before I got pregnant with Luce. We're at a good spot as a family right now where we feel centered and connected. I'm kind of nervous about having 2 but I'm sure that's normal. Does anyone out there have any experience with having 2 little ones pretty close together in age? Thoughts?
I found this really fun site today, Big Huge Labs. You can use all these little tools on it to play with pictures from your computer or from the web. I haven't done a lot on there yet but this is Lucy with a tiara, warholized! This is one of those sites I could probably spend hours on. We've been pretty busy lately. My stepbrother Casey and sister-in-law Holly have been in town the last couple of days, it's been fun! Last night we went out for sushi at Yoko's in Bend (it was really good but I now know that I do not like octopus!), and this morning we went shopping at the antique mall in Redmond. It's been snowing here for about 3 days now!! Yuck. It's been freezing cold and kind of gloomy. I wish it was nicer weather during their stay. Not that I can do much about it. :) Dustin has a weather watcher thing on the computer and it says it's 14 degrees right now.
I couldn't really think of what to blog about today, but here is a picture Dustin took of me, Luce and Misa this afternoon. Misa (aka Miso) is a mini rex bunny and she is the sweetest thing! I always want a mini rex around, they're my favorite kind of rabbit. It was so funny, Lucy was kind of poking at her and I said "Be nice Lucy" so Lucy bent down and gave her a kiss on the head. Every time Lucy gives us a kiss we say "That's so nice!" So nice = kiss I suppose.
I'm a crafty mom living in central Oregon!
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