Just wanted to let you all know that I'm moving my blog to http://amandacowell.blogspot.com/
I've changed a lot over the last couple years and just feel like I need a fresh start! Hope you'll join me over there. :)
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm moving my blog to http://amandacowell.blogspot.com/
I've changed a lot over the last couple years and just feel like I need a fresh start! Hope you'll join me over there. :)
Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. You know how everything just starts happening at once? Right now my Etsy shop is super busy, we're in the process of moving my mom out of our house (she's been living with us for 6 months), I'm always - constantly - being a mommy to Lucy, and I'm in my third trimester so I'm tired all the time these days. Plus we'r trying to get ready for the new little guy.
I'm definitely not superwoman, so I'm taking a little break from blogging. Right now it's just one more thing.
Hope you all are doing wonderfully well, and hopefully you're getting a little summer weather where you are!
Just a few random things from today...
Making: A little package I put together for a swap partner - vintage buttons on a handmade card. Pretty cute, I humbly say.
All wrapped up and ready to go.
Dreaming: An idea from my favorite magazine; how to make an outdoor bath that you can heat up with a propane stove. I really don't think I can talk my husband into this without him thinking I'm a little weird, or that I could actually take a bath outside with someone (Lucy) pulling the curtains open and running off with something. But the idea sounds wonderful. Someday...
Feeling: My itchy growing tummy. Itch, itch, itch. I'm a little scared because this photo is from today, at 15 1/2 weeks. How big am I going to be towards the end!?
Tired. Lucy has a terrible cold and is teething her bottom molars, which means she's up every 3-4 hours all night long and is sensitive and fussy during the day. Poor sweetie.
What do you have going on today?
Bits of colorful vintage fabric and vintage trims are adding cheer and inspiration to my February. Off topic - isn't it weird that February is spelled the way it is? I always try to spell it "Febuary". I certainly don't pronounce it the way it's supposed to be spelled, do you?
I added some pretty fabric pennant banners to my Etsy shop today. The fabric combinations make me happy.
I think the rainbow gingham one would be super cute in a little girl's room.
Other things that are making me happy today:
I have been a bad, bad blogger lately! I apologize for my lack of posting this month and just wanted to let you know I'll be back soon. This month has thrown me off a little - my Mom moved in with us at the beginning of the month, I've got the January blahs, haven't had a lot of energy, etc. Just been needing a little break. :)
Thank you, I truly treasure every comment left here, but when it's about something so personal to me I treasure them all the more. You guys are the best.
Today, when I came home from work, there were 4 packages stuffed between the door and the screen door. A very nice end to an otherwise cruddy week. Opening packages received in the mail is one of my very favorite things to do.
I feel like I should have some sort of grand ending to my 30 Days of Happiness posts. In which I say how much they changed my life, that sort of thing. They did help me quite a bit, I was having to look at all the things that were making me happy from day to day and focusing on the positive is always a good thing! But truth be told, I struggled a little too. I have so much in my life to be thankful for, but there are just those days where I just wanted to curl up and pout.
This process has definitely been good for me, but I still miss my little baby. I worry that Lucy may end up being an only child, and I always wanted a big family. I want to have another baby, but am terrified of losing another one. Sometimes it's hard trying to find happiness when these things are constantly going through my head. I am so thankful for Lucy. So thankful. But, I have a tiny baby shaped hole in my heart. I am a strong person, and I will always get back up, but I'm limping. I didn't know losing an 8 week baby could take someone down so hard, and I will never take pregnancy or children for granted again.
Sometimes when I go a while in between posts it's because I feel like my chirp is broken. I feel like there's a lot of pressure in the blogging community to be chirpy, sparkly, inspiring and happy. I can't be that way unless I really feel like it! I want to do another "30 Days of Happiness" later. After the holidays, when things are more settled.
For now, I'm going to do something different. Starting tomorrow I'm going to post a photo a day - whatever I feel like posting that day. Happy, sad, pretty, ugly, messy, whatever. I might say something and I might not. I don't want to feel the pressure right now of trying to chirp, chirp, chirp through the holiday season but I want to keep blogging. I think that will be the best thing for me, and hopefully will be interesting for you as well. So here's to... Um. 51 Days of Honesty, or something like that.
I just wanted to say thanks for your caring comments regarding my miscarriage. We are doing much better and are healing. Things seem to get better every day. I couldn't have gotten through it without so much loving support from all our family and friends, especially my mom.
This little girl is just the best medicine ever. I am so thankful to have Lucy.
I am excited to start blogging again, but don't feel like I can just jump into "Oh, look what I made" after how introspective I've been lately. Inspired by Bluebirdbaby, I'm going to start a "30 days of happiness" blog project, only documenting things that make me happy for the next 30 days in a row. I need to focus on the positive right now. Granola Girl and Liesl Made have been involved in this project too over the last few days and I have really been enjoying their inspiring posts.
Anyways, thanks for being there! Thanks for reading and for caring about what happens in my little life. :)
A very big thank you is in order to Elizabeth at My Crafty Mess for hosting color week! I've had so much fun taking pictures and it was such a nice challenge!
Here are some of my favorites:
Red jam at My Crafty Mess
Orange dress at Liesl Made
Yellow umbrellas at Photographee by Mindee
Green wool necklace at Vintage Fern
Blue ruffles at Photographee by Mindee
Purple spools at Liesl Made
Hope you enjoyed seeing my color photos from the past week as much as I enjoyed taking them!
I'm a crafty mom living in central Oregon!
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