Jeez Louise. Life has been getting away from me! Poor neglected blog, I want to write lots of blog posts, really I do.
Turns out being a stay at home mommy to 2 kids under 4 and trying to run busy etsy shops doesn't give me as much extra time as I thought it would!
I don't really know how to sum up the last 3 months, so how about a few random photos:
Yes, this biiig baby is Lincoln! Silly guy, he's not even 4 months yet and he's in size 12 months clothes! He is just the sweetest, funniest, kinda feisty little guy. We love him to pieces.
This photo cracks me up because it totally sums my life as a stay at home mom of these two. This is my every day. Usually with me trying to sew at the dining room table and get orders out in between kid craziness/making dinner/etc. Trying to keep Lucy from dancing on top of Lincoln. I can't believe how much harder it is to get things done adding just one kiddo! Hats off to mommies of 3 or more!
Also over the last month or so my husband and I have sort of fallen into the world of woodworking! We're running a new etsy shop together, Armadillo Dreams, for handmade wooden toys. We are having so much fun doing that as a team.
If you start hearing talk around here about power tools instead of fabric and yarn, that's why. ;)
Hopefully we'll talk sooner rather than later.
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